Get Involved

Santa Fe Habitat is looking for Land Donations & Volunteers

Got Land?

We’re always looking for land to build affordable housing on. When you donate your land to Santa Fe Habitat, you’ll receive an NM affordable housing tax credit worth 50% of the land value, plus you’ll be changing lives for generations to come!

Contact: Kurt Krahn | [email protected]


Help make affordable housing in Santa Fe a reality by building with us!


Volunteer at the store that builds homes!

Visit our volunteer calendar to sign up!

Hammering Away at the Affordable Housing Crisis

The demand for affordable housing is more critical than ever. The Federal Government meets the needs of about 20% of the lowest-income households, leaving the responsibility to nonprofits like Habitat for Humanity to bridge the gap for families to have access to safe, adequate, and affordable shelter.


The median home price in Santa Fe County. A 19k increase from a uear ago.


The percentage of income that housing should cost in order to be considered affordable.


Shortage of rental units for this making under $25,000


The average rent price in Santa Fe


Inctease in the cost of construction since 2020


Santa Fe residents living below the poverty line.

*These statistics were sourced from The Santa Fe Association of Realtors, RentCafe, The Census Bureau, Associated Builders and Contractors, and Santa Fe Habitat for Humanity’s financial data.